Friday, August 13, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

He's gay.

Okay, just kidding. That only works when you're a Governor trying to deflect attention from other scandals.

But Kerry is a flip-flopper. I know, you're shocked. But while Kerry's supporters will tell you that he's actually "nuanced" (the scientific-term is wishy-washy), it's tough to explain away lines like this in a Fox News report, as reported by Jim Geraghty at the Kerry Spot:

KERRY: I proudly, and I think rightly, voted against this prescription drug bill that the president has put in place that hurts seniors in this country.


FOX NEWS' CARL CAMERON: But in fact, when the final vote occurred, Kerry skipped it. Since then, he has repeatedly pledged to undo much of the measure in order to start all over from scratch. He accused the GOP, in turn, of misrepresenting his plan.

KERRY: You know, I keep hearing the distortions of the other side, are just stunning. You know, they say I want to repeal it. No, I don't want to repeal it. I want to fix it.

CAMERON: But the truth is he did promise to repeal it.

KERRY, IN NEW HAMPSHIRE EARLIER THIS YEAR: If I am president, I pledge to you we will repeal that phony bill.

I'm not sure what's worse -- the fact that he failed to show up and vote, the fact that he lied about his vote, or the fact that he expected to get away with contradictions about what he plans to do. But maybe I'm just missing the nuance -- maybe he wants to repeal the bill, then fix it. Or the opposite.

The GOP doesn't need to misrepresent his plan -- he can handle that all on his own.



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