Wednesday, October 27, 2004

This About Sums It Up

I think this story should put to rest any thoughts of election fraud taking place...

Susan Tully, the Midwest field director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), says she became concerned about possible voter fraud in the Badger State when an admitted illegal alien suddenly was named a deputy registrar of voters in Racine, Wisconsin. Tully says a year earlier, the woman's picture appeared on the front page of a local newspaper showing her protesting and complaining that she had been fired from her job -- and admitting she was an illegal alien. Things apparently changed over the ensuing months.

"In July, here she was on the front page of the same local newspaper, saying she's a deputy registrar of voters. How could an illegal alien go from [that] a deputy registrar of voters in less than a year?" Tully wonders.

You know, we really do love in an amazing country. One minute, you're an illegal alien. The next minute, you're registering voters. Sheesh.


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