Monday, December 06, 2004

More From the Tabloids

Jim Geraghty at Kerry Spot (I personally hope he keeps the name, or at least changes it to Ketchupboy Corner) notesd that the folks at CBS are feeling a little nervous about the upcoming results of the investigation of Rathergate, a.k.a., the Black Eye for Black Rock. Geraghty, the Godfather of the Pajamahadeen, has some suggestions for CBS...
And CBS could go one of three routes from this point. One, they could try to clean up their act, stop behaving as if their job is to drive President Bush from office, cover viewpoints beyond the left, and attempt to break up the groupthink that has calcified their news judgment.

Two, they could define themselves as the left-of-center news channel, and aim for the blue state audience. Instead of trying to prevent bias, they could embrace it, and make it part of their brand identity. "CBS News: The channel that progressives prefer."

Three, they could define themselves as the tabloid news channel, rushing things to air without checking, and intentionally eroding their standards for accuracy in the name of being first. They could be one part supermarket checkout line tabloid, one part Drudge, one part Wonkette, one part British Fleet Street scandal sheet... They could make corrections part of each night's newscast, and become really entertaining, if only partially factual. (Right now much of CBS News is boring and only partially factual.)
I kinda like the idea of Dan Rather anchoring the news with a tabloid reporter hat, kinda like Drudge on his TV show. Except Drudge had real information, I guess.


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