Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Advice and Consent -- and Try Not to Waste Our Time

The confirmation of Condi Rice as Secretary of State took place today, despite the concerted effort of a number of Democratic Senators to complain for no reason. Well, Sen. John McCain thinks he knows the reason...

On the Senate floor Wednesday, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., suggested Democrats are sore losers. Rice had enough votes to win confirmation, as even her Democratic critics acknowledge, McCain said.

"So I wonder why we are starting this new Congress with a protracted debate about a foregone conclusion," McCain said. Since Rice is qualified for the job, he said, "I can only conclude that we are doing this for no other reason than because of lingering bitterness over the outcome of the election."
Democrats? Bitter? Say it ain't so! The real issue is whether anyone will question the legitimacy of the 85-13 vote. Maybe there's some election irregularities they can dredge up.


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