Sunday, June 26, 2005

Amusing T-Shirt or Bumper Sticker Slogan We've Seen Lately

Call it a new feature. After all, if I find it entertaining, why shouldn't you... I mean, it's not like you've shown good taste by choosing to frequent this site.

To kick off this lame and potentially semi-regular feature, we'll give you a two-for-one.

First... last week in Boston, we witnessed the following bumper sticker: "More People Smoke Than Voted for Bill Clinton."

Yes, but do they inhale?

Second... according to the Southern Partisan, he saw a t-shirt which said "More People Have Died in Ted Kennedy's Car than in Gitmo."

I don't know if that's technically true -- if I recall correctly, Pfc. Santiago died after he received a Code Red from Lance Corporal Dawson and Pfc. Downey. Of course, that was on orders from Colonel Jessup and Lt. Kendrick.


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