Sunday, December 04, 2005

Give Them A Two Minute Penalty For Excessive Stupidity

You know, global warning activists might do a tad bit better if they ditched the sensationalism. We might take them more seriously if they didn't trot out stunts like this...

Activists at the U.N. climate change conference in Montreal shot straight for the Canadian heart on Thursday by warning of the unthinkable -- the end of ice hockey due to global warming.

Players in the "Climate Change Classic" faced off in a game set in the year 2020. Having become too warm for ice, Canada's national obsession became a frustrating exercise of trying to pass the puck while sloshing in ankle-deep water.

The action-slowing practice of firing the puck to the opposite end of the rink was no longer known as icing, but "slushing."

Finally, players dropped their sticks and gloves and gave up, declaring that global warming had succeeded in doing what even the 2004-5 National Hockey League lockout failed to do -- kill hockey.

A tearful memorial service followed.
First of all, I doubt Canadians are stupid enough to have their minds changed by this display. A Canucks or Oilers fan who didn't care about global warming is unlikely to see this ans suddenly decide Kyoto is a good idea, when previously they didn't care.

Second, the NHL plays indoors. Just in case the morons who designed the demonstration haven't figured it out, they play ice hockey in Montreal (not to mention Tampa Bay) in June now. No matter what climate changes the Earth undertakes, we tend to doubt that global warming will suddenly destroy our capability to build and maintain large indoor rinks in the next 15 years.

Third, as a hockey fan, the game being played in ankle-deep water sounds a lot like watching a Devils game in the mid-90's, when their style of play made other teams adopt and employ the neutral-zone trap. It didn't kill hockey then, and this owuldn't kill hockey if it happened in the future.

By the way, who spoke at the "tearful" memorial service? Did they have any highlight reels from the next 15 years? Any of the Stanley Cup results? Inquiring gamblers want to know.

You know, I always thought PETA activists were the ones who engaged in the silliest publicity stunts. Glad to see there's some competition.


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