Friday, January 27, 2006

The Simpsons Quote of The Week

An old favorite.... and now weekly feature...

Lisa is outraged when a toy company releases a new talking version of her favorite doll, Malibu Stacy (think Barbie, but more blatantly sexist). The doll's vacuous statements ("I wish they taught shopping in school!") prompt Lisa to contact Stacy Revelle, the creator and inspiration for the Malibu Stacy doll...

Stacy: "Oh... I see exactly what you mean. This is a serious problem. But what do you expect me to do?"

Lisa: "Change what she says, of course. It's your company."

"Not since I was forced out back in 1974. They said my way of thinking just wasn't cost-effective."

Lisa: "Oh, that's just awful."

Stacy: "Well, that, I was funneling profits to the Viet Cong."


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