Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Uh, Guys... Is This The Best You Can Do?

David Bernstein at Volokh looks at a Washington Post article that purports to find a scandal regarding Gov. Palin's per diem claims, and realizes there's nothing there...
You have to read the article carefully to figure this out, but what the story ultimately reveals is that Palin (a) billed the state for most expenses allowed by law, including per diem when she stayed in her own home (her "duty station" was the state capitol of Juneau) in Wasilla; (b) didn't bill the state for other expenses, when she could have done so lawfully, such as per diems for her children; and (c) spent a lot less money on expenses than did her predecessor, especially on travel and by ridding herself of the state's personal chef.
(hat tip: Instapundit) Keep in mind, this was the lead headline at the online version of the Post. I wonder if the Post will plan a matching expose looking at Joe Biden's nightly trips home to Wilmington on Amtrak, the ones that the Obama campaign has touted. Did Joe bill the taxpayers? Did he ride first-class? Did he take the more expensive Acela or just the Metroliner or the local?

Update: Jonah Goldberg takes a few more swings at the Post's story, noting that Palin cut gubernatorial travel spending by close to 80%. Yeah, she's clearly not a fiscal conservative.


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