Monday, October 04, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

Apparently, the DNC minions are stealing a page from the Harvard law professors -- they're cutting and pasting with the best of them. Check out this tale from Kerry Spot...

Richard Roeper is no fan of Bush, but he is proof that the DNC/ and various lefties' efforts to influence the pre- and post-debate spin has gone too far and is now looking clumsy and phony.

Last Thursday's presidential debate was still in progress when the e-mails started trickling in from citizens around the country. At 8:28 p.m. CST, Catie Tierney of Douglas, Ga., wrote: "John Kerry did an AMAZING job tonight. His arguments were valid and very well-said. I sincerely hope he wins the election this fall. He will make a far better president than Bush."

Harvey Jones chimed in: "Have you noticed Bush's body language? He seems to be blinking an awful lot. I hear this is one of the usual signs of lying."

Next up, Anne Horton Wood of Knoxville, Tenn.: "John Kerry showed the voters why he should be president, while Bush looked and sounded like a whiny little boy who has grown old, but has never grown up."

At 9:31 p.m., the trickle of e-mails turned into a hurricane.

"I am an undecided voter in Florida," wrote Andrew Monaco, "and I wanted to let you know that I think John Kerry won the debate.... Kerry was more in command of the issues and looked more presidential. The president was flustered and distracted."
Joyce Mulazzi of Suwannee, Ga.: "John Kerry proved he is a LEADER by discussing his plans for our country and discrediting President Bush's claims. George Bush proved that he is a CHEER-LEADER by . . . stating over and over again about the hard work he's done. It's not hard work lying to us, alienating us from the rest of the world, ruining our environment, and making the rich richer."

Pam Gordon, Orchard Lake, Mich.: "Kerry was the clear winner. He was poised, knowledgeable and outlined his points clearly."

Kristine Serrano, Westminster, Co.: "I am a registered independent who has decided to vote for John Kerry. President Bush looked very unprepared for the debate. Sen. Kerry . . . possessed excellent command of every issue."

The flood of "Kerry won!" messages continued all Thursday night and well into Friday — more than 500 in all.

And not one supported Bush.

Even most Bushies concede the debate was not the president's finest moment — but come on, 500 to 0? These e-mails seemed about as authentic as the missives I get from Congo dictator Mobuto Sese-Seko, asking my help in transferring his secret stash of millions.
Well, it turns out other people noticed. James Taranto at Best of the Web noted how the Bergen Record managed to print two letters employing the same phrasing as the sample letters on the DNC website. The Chicago Tribune even printed an editorial about it. Gotta love those dedicated flying monkeys of the left.

Speaking of stupidity... here's Teresa Heinz Kerry on Sunday in Pittsburgh...
The war in Iraq has cost America the respect of her allies and the United States is losing the war in Afghanistan, Heinz Kerry said at a dinner at the Sheraton Four Points in Greensburg.

"On 9/12 every single newspaper in the world said 'We are all Americans.' Today it is not the case," she said.

By sending American troops to Iraq instead of to Afghanistan, Bush permitted Osama bin Laden to escape, Heinz Kerry said.

"Osama bin Laden is Osama been lost," she said.

"The Taliban is back running Afghanistan," Heinz Kerry said.

One last time -- I DON'T CARE THAT THE REST OF THE WORLD FELT SORRY FOR US WHEN WE WERE ATTACKED. I DON'T WANT TO BE ATTACKED AGAIN. If we can do both, fine. If we can't, screw their feelings. In case you don't understand, nothing aggravates me more than this idiotic drivel by the left.

Next, the Taliban is in charge of Afghanistan? Even the left-wing dishrag is predicting a successful election on Saturday in Afghanistan. Maybe THK has her head buried in a bottle of ketchup. If she somehow becomes First Lady, I guess I'll be guaranteed some entertainment.

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