Sunday, November 07, 2004

100 Things About the Election, Part V

The continuing series of things I noticed during and after Election Day that I considered important. In no particular order...

36. Apparently Michael Moore is unhappy. In and of itself, that makes this election a success.

37. I wonder if all those actors will actually move to France. And whether France wants them.

38. I went out to dinner with my folks and my brother last night. While we were waiting for our table, we were browsing a bookstore. Of course, I ended up in the political science section, mostly filled with books ripping on one side or the other. At one point, two young ladies were standing nearby, and one pointed to the row of Ann Coulter books. "Look, it's my least favorite author!"

The other one nodded. "Nazi bitch."

"Don't get me started," snapped the first one.

I thought about picking up a copy of How to Talk To A Liberal (If You Must) in front of them, but figured they'd already had a tough week.

39. Speaking of Coulter, here's a gem of a line from her Townhall column... "I guess John Kerry went into the primary without a plan to win the election." Thanks to loyal reader RB for the reference.

40. Then there's Jonah Goldberg at NRO on the youth vote...
Remember how we were all told that the new army of young "Deaniacs" was going to carry Howard Dean to the White House because of the unprecedented enthusiasm, idealism, and youthful vigah (as John Kennedy would say)? Well, that fizzled like a North Korean light bulb. The same was true for John Kerry.

Kim Jong-Il would probably be offended by the analogy.

41. Goldberg also noted Terry McAuliffe's line about Tuesday being "the best election night in history." Finally, I agree with him on something.



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