Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Stupid Lawsuit #1,456,789,223

There's something wrong with the world when this happens...

The Pentagon has agreed to warn military bases worldwide that they should not directly sponsor Boy Scout troops, partially resolving claims that the government has improperly supported a group that requires members to believe in God.

The settlement, announced Monday, came in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, which says American military units have sponsored hundreds of Boy Scout troops.

"If our Constitution's promise of religious liberty is to be a reality, the government should not be administering religious oaths or discriminating based on religious beliefs," said ACLU attorney Adam Schwartz.

The Pentagon said it has long had a rule against sponsorship of non-federal organizations and denied the rule had been violated. But it agreed to send a message to posts worldwide warning them not to sponsor Boy Scout troops or other such groups.

The rule does not prevent service members from leading Scout troops unofficially on their own time, and Scouts will still be able to hold meetings on areas of military bases where civilian organizations are allowed to hold events.
I understand that the ACLU serves a valuable function. I also understand that this lawsuit is a waste of everyone's time, not to mention taxpayer money. I especially despise the ACLU's stand regarding Second Amendment rights, which don't seem to qualify for defense by the ACLU.

My solution -- every time the ACLU brings a lawsuit that annoys more than 50% of Americans, their lawyers should be placed in stocks for one day and have rotten fruit tossed at them. If they complain, just let the lawyers know that it's not a terrible price to pay for freedom.


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