Monday, December 06, 2004

The BCS is A Joke

I have nothing else to say about it. Read about Cal complaining here. Auburn gets ticked off here. Appropriately outraged columnists can be found anywhere people aren't talking about Barry Bonds. Here's one, Pat Forde, with a great line summarizing the entire debacle...
Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the BCS. Once again, it built a better mousetrap and wound up slamming the thing down on its own neck.
That's about right. For the record, I have no problem with Michigan, Virginia Tech and Pitt getting bids -- they earned them in the system, and it's not their fault the rest of their conferences spent most of the season getting hammered like Paris Hilton at Mardi Gras. As for texas, Mack Brown is making a very effective argument for anyone who thinks he's a better politician than a football coach.


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