Monday, February 21, 2005

And Now, More Stupidity From the Left

Oh, wow. We set up Dan Rather Hey, that's what a Democratic Congressman says...

Congressman Maurice Hinchey, Democrat of New York, speaking at a community forum in Ithaca, New York:

Probably the most flagrant example of that is the way they set up Dan Rather. Now, I mean, I have my own beliefs about how that happened: it originated with Karl Rove, in my belief, in the White House. They set that up with those false papers. Why did they do it? They knew that Bush was a draft dodger. They knew that he had run away from his responsibilities in the Air National Guard in Texas, gone out of the state intentionally for a long period of time. They knew that he had no defense for that period in his life. And so what they did was, expecting that that was going to come up, they accentuated it: they produced papers that made it look even worse. And they — and they distributed those out to elements of the media. And it was only — what, like was it CBS? Or whatever, whatever which one Rather works for. They — the people there — they finally bought into it, and they, and they aired it. And when they did, they had ’em. They didn’t care who did it! All they had to do is to get some element of the media to advance that issue. Based upon the false papers that they produced.

A member of the audience asked Hinchey had any evidence to back up that charge. He said, ‘that’s my belief.’

Listening to the tape is even funnier.

These morons applaud after he's done defending himself. These are the same folks who think people who vote for Bush are idiots.

Personally, I think it's pretty clear that Congressman Hinchey killed JFK, with help from Dan Rather. No, I don't have any proof. But that's my belief.


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