Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Well, That's One Idea

We'd like to take this idea seriously, except... well, we can't...

On Friday, the Los Angeles Times devoted its lead editorial to the proposition that Bono, the Irish frontman of rock band U2, "should be named the next president of the World Bank."

Outgoing World Bank president James Wolfensohn's term ends in May and the United States, which has traditionally reserved the post for an American with experience on Wall Street or in government has said it wants to see a successor named before then.

"Don't be fooled by the wraparound sunglasses and the excess hipness," the Los Angeles Times said. "Bono is deeply versed in the issues afflicting the least-developed nations of the world."

A spokeswoman for Bono in Los Angeles and his manager in New York could not be immediately reached for comment.

Hey, as long as it doesn't interfere with his concert schedule, I'm okay with it. It's no more insane than letting Howard Dean run the Democratic Party.


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