Tuesday, March 08, 2005

You Say Tomato...

The Lord of Truth alerts us to how his esteemed state legislature is spending his tax money...

The Jersey tomato may be a fruit -- but that's not stopping some state legislators from trying to make it New Jersey's official vegetable.

Lawmakers in the Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee have voted to advance legislation designating the treasured Jersey tomato as the official state vegetable.

A similar proposal is pending in the Senate Economic Growth Committee, and has yet to be considered by the full membership of either house.

Sponsors of the measure get around the fact that the tomato is considered a fruit by using a century-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling that slapped a vegetable tariff on tomatoes.

Supporters say the bills promote statewide pride and should be embraced.
I'm going to avoid the obvious jokes about people in New Jersey having "statewide pride." I'm still trying to figure out who decided to call it the "treasured" Jersey tomato. I mean, you might have treasured mementos from a trip to the Jersey shore (like glass and hypodermic needles), but who hell treasures a tomato?


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