Saturday, May 07, 2005

Ivy League Stupidity

It's times like this that I'm really glad I didn't attend the University of Pennsylvania. Cliff may explains why...

Kofi Annan is not a crook. Or, to be more precise, the United Nations Secretary-General has not been convicted of criminal activity.

It is possible that the investigations now underway will establish that he had no direct involvement in the transformation of the UN's Oil-for-Food program from humanitarian relief into the biggest financial swindle in world history. It is even possible that he was ignorant about what was taking place in a project that he shaped, presided over and expanded -- and, by the way, one from which his own son profited.

If that's so, however, Mr. Annan has to be the most negligent and incompetent manager ever to lead a major international organization.

Yet through the cloud that hangs over Mr. Annan, a ray of sunshine has found its way to him. Amy Gutmann, president of the University of Pennsylvania, that prestigious Ivy League seat of learning, has invited Mr. Annan to serve as this year's commencement speaker. And that's not all: In what can only be seen as an expression of wacky collegiate humor, the university also will award Mr. Annan an honorary – yes, honorary – doctorate of law – yes, law.
The best part is the University's decision to defend the decision by citing free speech rights. Maybe next they can invite O.J. to do a speech -- at least he was acquitted. That's way ahead of Kofi.


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