Friday, June 10, 2005

Someone's Tax Dollars At Work

The Kansas Redhead used to live in Denver. Maybe he moved after seeing how they spend tax dollars...

Denver has hired a local marketing firm to reshape the public's image of the homeless - from one of a bedraggled panhandler to an image reflecting the growing number of women, children and families.

The Denver Commission to End Homelessness awarded a $60,000 contract to political consultant Eric Sondermann.

The move comes as the commission begins to implement Mayor John Hickenlooper's plan to raise money and resources needed to end homelessness within 10 years.

"We want to do a professional communication job so people have a clear understanding of what we're doing and what it will take to change the lives of the people who are homeless," said Deborah Ortega, executive director of the commission. "Part of our communication is to help people understand that these efforts will make a difference, but it takes the resources to change people's lives."
(hat tip: Best of the Web) Eric Sondermann should be laughing all the way to the bank. He convinced the city fathers that the problem for the homeless is that they have an image problem, and a marketing campaign will fix everything.

I wonder if next year a consultant will come in and suggest downsizing the homeless population.


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