Friday, October 14, 2005

Completely Irrelevant Thought of the Week

Call it our latest feature.

At least once a week (and most people would guess more often) I have a thought that needs to be shared, even though it concerns nothing of any importance whatsoever. We're reasonably certain that the world would go on happily without this idea being expressed, but why take the chance?

Explain this to me. Almost any time I see cookies with white chocalate chips in them, they're accompanied by macadamia nuts. Yet macadamia nuts, as a member of the nut family, aren't all that popular. If nuts were members of the Brady Bunch family, macadamia would be Cousin Oliver. Yet they are constantly paired with white chocolate chips in cookies. Why can't I get a white chocolate chip cookie without macadamia nuts?

Warning: spending more than ten seconds thinking about this is an utter waste of your time.


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