Sunday, October 29, 2006

Barack and Me

Speaking of Senators... one of the advantages of living in DC is the opportunity to run into the famous politicians everyone else just tries to ignore on TV. On occassion, this becomes an advantage because it gives your intrepid correspondent an opportunity to do some on-the-spot reporting.

Last Sunday, I was getting ready to board a flight to Phoenix. As I stood by the gate, a figure approached the gate agent and asked about picking up a ticket for an aide. I realized I was standing next to current newsmagazine coverboy and junior Senator from Illinois. Yup, it was me and Barack Obama... and several other passengers.

I actually thanked him for working with Senator Coburn on the transperency bill. That got a smile. So did questions from several other passengers about whether he was running for President (little did we know he'd just answered similar questions on Meet the Press by switching his previous position and saying he'd consider it). His response was terrific -- "Well, I thought about it, and I think I'll announce right here at the airport. " He then told us the press might not like it, which was even funnier.

He's definitely got charisma, and I have to also give the guy credit for flying coach. Of course, I can also report that when I walked back to use the restroom, the Senator wasn't reading briefing papers; instead, he had headphones on and was intently watching the in-flight movie. It was The Devil Wears Prada. Yeah, I'm not sure if that helps or hurts his campaign.

But my recommendation is that he run, or get the hell out of the Senate some other way. Otherwise, he could turn into John Kerry. Shudder.


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