Friday, October 30, 2009

Maybe a Reason to Finally Move to New Jersey

Chris Christie is the Republican nominee for Governor in New Jersey. He's also a former prosecutor. And he's fat. Trust me when I say that he's not the only fat lawyer out there. But his appearance on Don Imus today was both human and funny...

(hat tip: Jim Geraghty) I always like people who can handle making fun of themselves, and better yet, can handle other people mocking them (take some notes, Mr. President). Christie knows he's fat. But his ability to turn around that issue on Corzine as well as he did (saying he weighs "550 pounds" and telling Corzine to "man up" was hilarious) should have been the focus of his campaign earlier.

Ace of Spades says it nicely (well, as nicely as you can say it while calling the sitting Governor a dick... then again, that may be about the kindest thing people can say about John Corzine)...

So, while I was surprised to find a nicely human guy here -- and one with a humorous dexterity -- I have to imagine that this is not news for many in New Jersey. Most people must have seen him before, right? Or am I overestimating once again the American public's interest in governing themselves?

So I wonder if the reaction here -- happy surprise -- is really the same reaction that NJ voters would have. I don't know how surprised they'd b. I mean, this guy didn't just roll out of bed yesterday morning and suddenly discover the ability for winning self-deprecation.

He also hits the right tone in criticizing Corzine for the fat jokes -- he's not outraged, just saying "Come on" and "Be a man, stand behind your insults, you effete loser." In so many words. Not outraged. Just kinda noting Corzine is passive-aggressive coward. And a dick.

Anyway, whether it's important or not, it sure is a pleasure to see some humanity in politics.
I still don't plan to move to New Jersey soon, and I'm still guessing my friends who live there may move out regardless of what happens. But I find myself rooting hard for Christie, for multiple reasons. And it's nice to be rooting for someone who also seems to be a good guy.


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