Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Maybe He Should Recommend His Advisor to Tim Geithner

If you want to know why Americans are annoyed with their government... well...
IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman does not file his own taxes in part because he believes the tax code is complex.

During an interview on C-SPAN's "Newsmakers" program that aired on Sunday, Shulman said he uses a tax preparer for his own returns.

"I've used one for years. I find it convenient. I find the tax code complex so I use a preparer," Shulman said.

Pressed on how he would make the tax code simpler, Shulman responded, "I don't write the tax laws. Congress writes the tax laws so that's a whole different discussion."

The IRS this month announced it will be scrutinizing the tax preparer industry. Shulman said the IRS is looking to set "a minimal level of competence in the preparer community."
I'm going to avoid discussing the Service's efforts to scrutinize tax preparers, since I once wrote about that back in another life. But it does say a lot that our tax code is now complex enough that the Commissioner of the agency that administers it needs an advisor to fill out his return. And none of it is good.

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