Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Cure For Cancer... Or Stupidity

One of these days, I'll get around to blogging about SuperFreakonomics, the followup book to the best-seller from a few years ago. Lots to like in the book, and there's a particularly entertaining discussion about geo-engineering to help halt global warming (the bottom line seems to be that there are cost-effective solutions that don't involve taxing ourselves to death or killing economic growth, but politicians seem to be the ones standing in the way).

But the authors have a blog at the New York Times, and they note today that the dire health warnings on cigarette labels may actually push some people to smoke. Denis Leary was way ahead of them...
It doesn't matter how big the warnings on the cigarettes are; you could have a black pack, with a skull and crossbones on the front, called TUMORS, and smokers would be around the block going, "I can't wait to get my hands on these fucking things! I bet ya get a tumor as soon as you light up!"
Unfortunately, it's funny cause it's true.

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