Monday, December 02, 2002

Today's Simpsons Quote of the Day

from the world's least dangerous man

Homer befriends Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, who just moved to Springfield in an effort to hide out from crazed fans. Homer initially becomes the stars' best friend, but then betrays their trust by revealing their secret. After they kick him out, the two begin to review pictures, and start to miss Homer...

Kim: (looking at pictures of her, Alec and Homer dressed in Old West clothes) "Oh, Alec, look. Wasn't that a fun weekend?"

Alec: "Yeah. Homer was a pretty good guy. And we just tossed him out like a Golden Globe award. I gotta admit, I miss the way he used to tuck us in, and kiss us on the forehead."

Kim: (looks mystified) "Forehead?"

Alec: (ignoring the comment) "Aw, maybe I should've made his movie."

Kim: "Yeah, it wasn't that bad. I mean the script might even work, if you got rid of the talking pie."

Alec: "What, are you crazy?? It's a buddy picture. Without the pie, it would just be me on screen for two hours."

Kim: (sarcastic) "Oh, yeah, you'd hate that."



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