Thursday, July 29, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

Since we've heard a lot about his service this week (in case you didn't know, John Kerry served in Vietnam), we thought it important to note this site for the record. One of our few but proud readers (thanks, R) sent this one out as a reminder. Keep in mind, these are the people who served with John Kerry, whose pictures were used in an ad by the Kerry campaign without their permission, in a way that implied that they endorsed him:

The Kerry campaign featured the photograph in an advertisement released in May titled Lifetime. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth contacted surviving members of this group to find out how many actually support John Kerry, and discovered that of 19 Swift boat skippers pictured other than Kerry, 11 consider him unfit, 4 are neutral, two have died, and 2 are working with the Kerry campaign. Four other officers were not present for the photo session; all oppose Kerry.

Now, is this truly relevant to whether Kerry should be President? Normally, I'd say no. But in Kerry's case, his willingness to serve has been used as the crux of the argument in favor of his character. The opinions of those who served with him should therefore count for something -- not just those who support him now, but those who oppose him as well.

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