Monday, August 23, 2004

The Swift Boat Saga, Part IX: Johnny Goblin Weighs In

As promised, I'm letting others weigh in. Johnny Goblin from Newburgh, NY (home of John Kerry's favorite Wendy's) sends his thoughts:

Both sides are engaged in these supposed "third party" guerilla campaign tactics with nebulous links to their respective parties. The left has had MoveOn for over a year and now this swift boat thing from the right. Let's assume the worst about Kerry, that he schemed along time ago about a political career and only went to Vietnam purely for the political gain he might reap. And that he was only in Vietnam for a very short time, and that perhaps he stretched the truth about what he did and that he wont shut up about his service. HE STILL WENT!!!! And this is the main difference, when Bush, Cheney and the boys were getting exemptions or deferments thanks to well connected families he actually went over there and could have gotten dead fast.

Hey, perhaps you can't fault George Sr. for "protecting" his son and this is not meant to downplay W's own service either but I think Kerry gets at least a pass on some of his comments based on the fact that he was actually there.

This is not enough to get me to vote for the guy but to discredit his service is abominable. He was there.



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