Friday, September 03, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

Look out, ladies and gentlemen. He's going postal.

Last night, in a move Mort Kondracke, the editor of Roll Call and a Fox News commentator, termed "incredibly petty", Botox Boy and his little boy running mate decided to jump the gun immediately after President Bush finished speaking at the GOP Convention. They opted to jump to the attack, with Kerry ripping into the service records of Bush and Cheney while complaining about having his service questioned.

I'm not going to get into the stupidity of this approach at this time, except to note that if Karl Rove is secretly in control of John Kerry's mind, he needs to be less obvious about it. We'll save the critique for a later post. But let me start with Kerry once again encroaching on my territory, and failing miserably.

You guessed it. The Condiment King decided to enter the sports realm. Again.

So far, we've head the idiot reference to Ned Yost from 2000. Let's not forget his ability to confuse Michigan football with Ohio State football. And don't get me started on his strange love affair with bicycling and French surnames. I could include Kerry's deer-hunting exploits, except I'm not a hunter. We didn't even mention the "Lambert Field" fiasco, at least that I recall.

But last night, he managed to screw up baseball, one more time.

Kerry opened his speech in Springfield, Ohio by noting that something very important had happened -- "The Red Sox pulled within 2.5 games of the Yankees."

Except for one problem. Both the Yankees and the Red Sox won, which meant the Red Sox are still 3.5 games out. Point in fact, the Yanks won by a score of 9-1. Over Ohio's own Cleveland Indians. So Kerry basically rubbed it in the face of any Indians fans in Springfield, who would have known their team got torched (granted Cleveland is 3 hours away from Springfield, which makes them more likely to follow the Reds... but I'm guessing a few folks there follow Ohio's AL team).

It's not bad enough for the Sox to be associated with another losing cause -- Kerry can't even get his facts straight.



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