Monday, September 13, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

Due to blogging difficulties, there was no post about our ribbon-tossing Botox Brahmin on Friday. But we'll try and make up for it, with two today.

And it's not like there isn't a wealth of material from the Kerry campaign. Here's a direct quote from Long John Silver's interview with Time Magazine...
TIME: One question that has left the President at a loss for words is whether he has had regrets. Do you?

KERRY: I've made mistakes, and I've done things that I regret, sure. I regret voting for Justice Scalia. I regret that any of us put faith in what the President said about how he would take America to war.

You know, I've got at least one friend who is really aggravated with President Bush on his failure to come up with a good answer to a similar question at his April 13th press conference. Bush's inability to answer the question, in my opinion, stems from the fact that he's not a real good liar, and he was struggling because he was asked, "What's your biggest mistake since 9/11?" Personally, I think Bush was trying to find a way to choose among those actions he considers mistakes, and classify one as worse than the other. I know there are friends of mine who just think Bush is too arrogant and self-righteous to admit to an error, and I'll respectfully disagree.

Let's say Bush had answered that question by saying, "I signed McCain-Feingold, and I regret that. I regret not being firmer on judicial filibusters by those obstructionist Democrats in the Senate." Now that would be a political answer, but not necessarily an honest one. And he would have been rightly hammered for it.

Now look at Kerry's answer to a similar question. This is a guy who came home from Vietnam and accused his fellow soldiers of committing atrocities, and claimed to have committed a number of atrocities himself. This is a guy who's apparently so ashamed of his Senate voting record on intelligence and defense issues that he won't defend the record, instead whining that the other side is engaged in negative campaigning when they bring up his votign record. This is a guy who voted against the $87 billion appropriation to our troops in Iraq, after he voted for the war.

And yet the first thing he mentions as a specific regret is voting to put Antonin Scalia on the bench?

If I'm a Democrat right now, my buggest regret is nominating John F. Kerry.



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