Tuesday, October 05, 2004

He Was Master of His Domain

The Lord of Truth checks in again, with major news for fans '80's cartoons...

Action director John Woo has been tapped to helm a new, live-action version of the 1980s toy-rific toon, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Fox confirms.

According to Daily Variety, Woo (Face/Off) will do double duty as producer, writer/director Adam Rifkin (Detroit Rock City) will pen the script, and Fox's Fox 2000 division will bring Eternia back to life.

All of this leaves one logical question: "Who's going to be in it?," asked John Erwin.

Erwin is the veteran actor who gave He-Man his he-manly voice in the 1980s TV series. (He also helped Morris the Cat express his finicky feline thoughts in the classic TV commercials dating back to 1969.)

...Unfortunately, there was no word yet on a potential cast.

For those not raised on 1980s television, an explanation: He-Man was a pop-culture phenomenon, ample evidence of which can be found to this day on the likes of eBay where everything from He-Man lunch boxes to He-Man adhesive bandages (sorry, "Battle Strips") tempt collectors.

The TV series chronicled the adventures of Prince Adam of Eternia who buffed up when he held a sword above his head and roared, "I have the power!," thereby turning into toondom's version of Mark McGwire, He-Man.
I have no clue whom to cast in the starring role. The Rock would be perfect, except that Prince Adam was whiter than Vanilla Ice. However, I think the Lord's suggestion of Calista Flockhart as Skeletor has promise.


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