Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

Man, that get out the vote effort in Nevada had some inspiring success for the Condiment King. Gotta love this tale...

It wasn't the most successful get-out-the-vote effort in history, but it meant a lot to Las Vegas Democrat Cloma Williams.

She was one of about 30 people who were shuttled directly from Tuesday's rally for John Kerry to an early voting site at the Boulevard Mall in buses provided by the Kerry campaign.

"I wanted to get the vote behind me," Williams, 69, said as she emerged from the polls with a small smile. "You never know what's going to happen in a day. I could die. I want my vote to count even if I'm not here anymore."

A line of six buses waited to shuttle Kerry supporters to early voting sites as the rally at Jaycees Park ended. In the end, only two of the buses were needed to carry voters to the polls.

Volunteers for the Kerry campaign said many people they talked to had already voted or didn't have time to ride the bus to the mall, cast their ballots and ride the bus back to the park.

Jeez, I wonder why people didn't have time to fill up the buses. Maybe they were busy working, even with this terrible economy and all.

And how small were these buses? They needed to fit 30 people into two buses? How come they couldn't fit into one?



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