Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Hey, It's Our Friends, the Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys

Sometimes, others do my work for me. Loyal reader RB sends us a link to this Wall Street Journal article, where the Defense Minister of France makes this unforgettable statement: "France has a glorious military tradition." As RB noted, are we missing something? And since when does France have a defense minister? Perhaps his real title is "Defensive Posture Minister."

Leave it to NC to summarize the issue in this e-mail:
It's just semantics... By "glorious" I'm sure the D minister means: "takes only a few minutes to read a full account of it." As you may be aware, France's military tradition is well documented as part of the popular "shortest books" series. You know, the series that includes "Delicious English Recipes," and "Scientific Advancements of the Khmer Rouge."
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I still recall discussions from college related to Jeopardy! categories you'll never see. One seems particularly appropriate: "Great French Military Victories of the 20th Century."


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