Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Times Catches Up with Reality

Now here's some actual news from the left-wing dishrag -- it appears the much-maligned end to the assault weapons ban that expired in September has not resulted in a sudden surge in sales for such guns. Of course, the Times now pitches the idea that ban itself meant little because it had so many loopholes that it was ineffective. Great -- they passed ineffective legislation that had no meaning, then complained when it expired. Instapundit puts it best...
The ban was symbolic legislation, designed to bolster the media profiles and direct-mail efforts of gun control lobby groups, while building momentun for eventual complete gun confiscation (something that some gun-control enthusiasts admitted, and others unconvincingly denied). It failed at that, and in fact succeeded mostly in costing the Democrats control of the legislative and executive branches.
Hey, maybe the ban was useful for something -- it gave us a GOP majority in the House and Senate!


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