Saturday, May 07, 2005

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

I think everyone knows that I'm not a big fan of Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader from the great (I mean that part) state of Nevada. He's a pretty liberal Democrat. In fact, I've even called him an idiot. And no, I don't think those are always one and the same (though I could be wrong).

But I'm just a blogger with no real public identity. He's the Senate Minority Leader. And yet he's busy with stupid intemperate comments like this...
In the course of a discussion on filibusters and Senate rules, Washington's top Democrat gave the 60 juniors a lesson in partisan politics, particularly about the commander in chief. "The man's father is a wonderful human being," Reid said in response to a question about President Bush's policies. "I think this guy is a loser.

"I think President Bush is doing a bad job," he added to a handful of chuckles.
Well, thank God we have high-minded rhetoric from the Left to explain why they're so much more intelligent than the rest of us. Maybe Reid will try to give the President a wedgie when he walks by to deliver the next State of the Union. Reid has apologized for the statements, but I'm betting no one remembers the story within a week. Except for those of us who think Reid is actually the loser.

One question, Harry -- just how many elections has this President lost?


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