Thursday, July 07, 2005

Maybe He Should Buy Manchester United Instead

Loyal reader KS keeps us informed about the politics of our nation's pasttime...

George Soros is a pot-endorsing, Bush-bashing billionaire. And he wants to buy the Washington Nationals.

Surprisingly, members of Congress have taken a time-out from the people's business to squabble over the matter.

Republicans say a Soros-owned team would send the wrong message, alienate Capitol Hill and generally presage the end of days, even more than gay marriage.

Democrats counter that politics and baseball don't mix, and that lawmakers should stick to more important matters. Like blocking presidential appointments.

On the plus side, no one has invoked the Nazis, Hitler or the Holocaust. Not yet, at least.
I'm against Soros owning the Nationals, because everything he touches lately loses (thanks for stopping by, Senator Kerry). I think this is pretty petty by the GOP, but it's no more idiotic than the stupid steroid hearings Congress held a few months back. At least this time, I don't have to see Jose Canseco.


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