Sunday, July 03, 2005

Thanks for Playing, Molly

Molly Ivins, professional pundit, seems to think the GOP is too busy defining liberals as evil, unpatriotic and stupid people. Then she tries to prove the GOP's right...

Since my name is Molly Ivins and I speak for myself, I'll tell you exactly why I opposed invading Iraq: because I thought it would be bad for this country, our country, my country. I opposed the invasion out of patriotism, and that is the reason I continue to oppose it today--I think it is bad for us. I think we have created more terrorists than we faced to start with and that our good name has been sullied all over the world. I think we have alienated our allies and have killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever did.
(hat tip: Andrew Sullivan) Please read that last sentence, and tell me why I should take her seriously.

Good. You can't. And if liberals want to be taken seriously, they won't be like Molly Ivins.


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