Monday, July 25, 2005

The Wedding Update

This wedding update is brought to you by a tired soon-to-be-groom who's too tired to find a witty sponsor tie-in -- and if you're upset by that, we don't really care.

5 days to go...

Again, random thoughts to fill the day.

My wish for a commentary track on my wedding DVD is shared by the Lord of Truth, who also suggests deleted scenes and an alternate ending.

Seating... this was hell on Earth. No, it wasn't all that hard, just painful and tedious. I compare it to getting a root canal while being forced to watch a Lifetime movie.

The first person to complain about where they're seated can blame me. I didn't pay attention to anything -- I'm pretty sure that I tried to seat one table outside the ballroom in the gardens, and another in the bathroom... in another hotel.

During the seating exercise, my future father-in-law got up and took a nap in front of the TV. My admiration for this man grows every day.

I've never debated the merits of classical music before, at least not at 11:30 at night. I can say that I would have guessed "Air on a G String" would be by Jay Z, not Bach.

Meanwhile, I need to compliment my groomsmen. One question -- "What type of beer should we have available at the reception?" -- produced a uniform set of four choices. My groomsmen even had the good sense to pick Miller Light over Bud Light.

Best reaction to the aformentioned question regarding beer came from the soon-to-be-renamed Kansas Redhead (we should have a renaming contest). His line: Your question reminds me of a quote from The Millionaire Next Door. "I like two kinds of beer. Free and Bud." But I can defer to the collective wisdom of the group. We all know the collective mind of this group is always right.

Oh, in case you were wondering... Miller Light, Guiness, Bass and Yeungling.

Finally, we're having a running debate about whether we plan to ask for "economic and social justice" during the ceremony. Is it just me, or does that sound like it's cribbed from the Communist Party platform? What's wrong with just asking for plain old-fashioned justice? Or is economic justice open to interpretation as a request for a flat tax and Social Security privitization?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that if you start spouting liberal mantras at the wedding there could be people standing close enough to the microphone who would possibly have an ill-timed and inappropriate sounding sneeze. Given that there would be a chance that the annunciation wouldn't be picked up clearly on the wedding sound track, there could also be accompanying gestures, etc.

9:13 AM  

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