Monday, January 09, 2006

If You Can't Order Your Eggnog Latte, The Terrorists Will Have Won

I swear, it wasn't me who did this...

A bomb left inside a Starbucks bathroom was defused by the San Francisco police explosives ordnance unit this afternoon, according to Sgt. Neville Gittens.

The improvised explosive device was defused around 2 p.m., Gittens said.

Police responded to a call about a suspicious device in the coffee house located at Van Ness Avenue and Bush Street at 1:15 p.m.

Gittens said he could not comment on the size or type of device found or on its potential explosive capacity. A police investigation is ongoing.
(hat tip: The Digital Brownshirt) Oviously, I'm a bit forlorn about this. My strong anti-terrorism stance comes face-to-face with my strong anti-Starbucks stance. This must be what it was like to watch the USSR battle the Nazis in World War II, before we entered.

Best reaction comes from Ace of Spades...

Nancy Pelosi immediately called for an "immediate over-the-horizon redeployment" of all citizens of San Francisco.
As Instapundit would say, heh.


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