Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Palin Derangement Continues

Instapundit has a series of links to the latest in stupid Palin-bashing. I'm merely going to highlight my favorite examples.

First, here's Wendy Doniger, a professor of religion at the University of Chicago...

Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman. The Republican party's cynical calculation that because she has a womb and makes lots and lots of babies (and drives them to school! wow!) she speaks for the women of America, and will capture their hearts and their votes, has driven thousands of real women to take to their computers in outrage. She does not speak for women; she has no sympathy for the problems of other women, particularly working class women.

And as for religion, I'd love to know precisely how the Good Lord conveyed to her so clearly his intention to destroy the environment (global warming, she thinks, is not the work of human hands, so it must be the work of You Know Who), the lives of untold thousands of soldiers and innocent bystanders (He is apparently rooting for this, too, she says), and, incidentally, a lot of polar bears and wolves, not to mention all the people who will be shot with the guns that she thinks other people ought to have. An even wider and more sinister will to impose her religious views on other people surfaced in her determination to legislate against abortion even in cases of rape and in her attempts to ban books, including books on evolution, and to fire the librarian who stood against her.
She's only a woman, folks, if she believes in what I believe! Otherwise, she's really a man, baby! Next up, we have Juan Cole, who compares Palin to Osama bin Laden...

On censorship, the teaching of creationism in schools, reproductive rights, attributing government policy to God's will and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts. What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist? Lipstick.

...She calls abortion an "atrocity" and pledges to reshape the judiciary to fight it. Ironically, Palin's views on the matter are to the right of those in the Muslim country of Tunisia, which allows abortion in the first trimester for a wide range of reasons. Classical Muslim jurisprudents differed among one another on the issue of abortion, but many permitted it before the "quickening" of the fetus, i.e. until the end of the fourth month. Contemporary Muslim fundamentalists, however, generally oppose abortion.

Remember, if you're pro-life, you're nothing more than an Islamic fundamentalist with lipstick! Next, we have Gary Kamiya, who likens Palin to a dominatrix...

Right now, Palin has Democrats quaking in their boots -- and with good reason. But all hope isn't lost. For even if this election turns out to be a referendum on the national libido, Palin may scare off more voters than she attracts.

Because to anyone who isn't a true believer, Palin comes across not as a fantasy pinup, but as a dominatrix. And the S/M demographic isn't going to put the Republicans over the top in the swing states.

For the die-hard Republicans who lusted over Palin at the convention, her whip-wielding persona was a turn-on. You could practically feel the crowd getting a collective woody as Palin bent Obama and the Democrats over, shoved a leather gag in their mouths and flogged them as un-American wimps, appeasers and losers. "Drill, baby, drill!" the chant ecstatically repeated by the GOP faithful during Rudy Giuliani's speech, acquired a distinctly Freudian subtext after Palin spoke. The more Palin drilled the Democrats, the more hotly the base yearned to drill her. (We will leave it to shrinks to determine whether the GOP hardcore has the hots for Palin because she's reaming the Democrats, or because authority-worshippers tend to have secret fantasies of being reamed themselves.)
Um... okay. Leaving aside the fact that the same mag printed the article about her being a fundamentalist (never let it be said that Salon doesn't accept all points of view), I'm left wondering whether Kumiya has some issues he needs to see a therapist about. I'd also note Cintra Wilson's column at Salon, which is too stupidly funny to be adequately excerpted. Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan thinks Palin's failure to grant an interview until next week to the press corps is like living in Putin's Russia. This analogy makes a lot of sense, if you're high on desperation.

My new favorite -- in concluding a list of supposed Palin sins, this Boston Globe columnist says Palin has "a Talibanlike tolerance for beliefs unlike her own." Yeah, that's credible -- I hear Palin spent months blowing up giant statues of Buddha all over Alaska.

Jonah Goldberg's right that Gov. Palin needs to expand her talking points -- but the liberals and the media are too damn angry to make this point intelligently.

Keep it up, guys. Please -- at this rate, Obama may start defending Palin to fix his slide in the polls.


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