Thursday, November 05, 2009

Cult of Personality

I'm not really offended by this so much as creeped out...
Big Hollywood has already posted a couple disturbing videos of young school children singing/speaking praises to President Obama, but when eleven more dropped in our email box it came as quite a shock. What seemed like an aberration now appears to be a troubling pattern.

Maybe “epidemic” is a better word.

Each one of the videos below is creepier than the last because the further down you go, the younger the children — brace yourself for kindergartners – except for the last and most disturbing video, which you have to see to believe.
(hat tip: Instapundit)I'm not worried about brainwashing -- today's public schools haven't been all that great at imparting actual knowledge among our impressionable youth, so I'm not convinced they'd do a better job with propaganda. But the cult of personality that surrounds Obama (funny that even Paul Krugman once accused Dems of being cult-like) is more than a little bit silly. We don't need to be naming schools after Barack Obama just yet, and having schoolchildren singing songs (and mostly bad ones) in his honor is creepy.

And for the folks at the Marymount School... since I went to a Catholic university undergrad, I consider myself more Irish then Barack O'bama. Although I have to admit the tune is catchy.


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