Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Tiger Not Burning Bright

Somewhere along the way, I stopped being surprised by celebrities and rich people screwing around in their personal life. I'm not even certain I judge them harshly, if they're not politicians, particularly if they're not holding themselves out as role models. I'm married and wouldn't cheat on my wife, because I don't think I could look myself in the mirror (forget about my wife and child), but I also don't face that temptation, due to a lack of looks, money, and time. I'd argue that having too much of the latter two is what drives much of the infidelity in the world -- as many of my friends have noted, most of us males barely have the ability to keep one woman happy.

Which is a roundabout way of getting to the Tiger Woods story. I don't know why he cheated -- I'm guessing the justification would be something like, "Because I can!" But I have to agree with Robert Stacy McCain -- a cocktail waitress? You're married to a Swedish supermodel!

Beyond that, can someone explain to me why anyone famous, let alone Tiger Woods, would have an affair where they sext-message the other participant, and then leave the voicemail heard round the world? Dude, there's wrong, and then there's stupid wrong.

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