Sunday, January 10, 2010

For Once, I Wish I Was Still A Massachusetts Resident

During my three years in law school in land of the Red Sox, I opted not to regoister there. It seemed somewhat useless -- as the Lord of Truth once told me, it was never fun going to the polls to vote for people guaranteed to lose.

Which makes this news amazing. Public Policy Polling now has the Massachusetts special election for U.S. Senate a toss-up. This will probably just wake up the sleeping corrupt gints of the Democratic Party, but they may be getting to the scene late -- there's only ten days left for Martha Coakley to turn the tide (if she loses, I feel obligated to quote Homer Simpson to sitting Senator Paul Kirk: "Go back to Massachusetts, pinko!").

For everyone who wants to scotch health care reform, this is a chance to kick the Senate Dems collectively in the nuts. Keep in mind, they want to pass this bill as some sort of tribute to the legacy of Ted Kennedy (it's a drunken mess of big spending and big government... I guess it qualifies). But if Kennedy's seat somehow flips to the GOP... well, you'll probably hear teeth knashing everywhere. If you'd like to prevent this bill from becoming law, you could do worse than send a few bucks to Scott Brown. Hell, just for the sheer chaos this would create, we should all hope for it. I only hope Bill Jacobson's report is right, and the energy is still high for Brown. And it's nice of the Dems to make themselves look even more corrupt, by essentially saying they'll hold up getting him seated to pass healthcare.

I don't know if Brown will win -- but I'm starting to believe it. A week ago, I would have been happy if finished within 15 points. Now? I'm thinking he might be a household name ten days from now.

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