Sunday, October 21, 2012

Republicans Should Vote For Her Because She Believes America is a Republic

This is all it takes to be a Libertarian?  Really?
But after a packed rally in this seaside Massachusetts town the Harvard Law Professor talked briefly with Reason about why libertarians should vote for her over Senator Scott Brown.  
Warren’s response was unlike anything this journalist has heard when asking candidates of both parties across the country the simple question, “Why should libertarians vote for you?”  
“I believe in contract law probably more than most people,” Warren said in a small classroom in the basement of a Baptist Church. “I’ve taught contract law for 25 years and contracts are about private ordering, about parties and voluntary exchanges who engage in transactions that make all of us better off. I love contracts and I think it’s a core part of the libertarian principles,” said Warren.  
“It is an important part. Libertarians believe in social ordering, right? That the social ordering is by private arrangement, so, that they ought to believe in contracts and in fact I think they do.
Based on this, Catholics should vote for her simply because she believes in God, even if that God is an inanimate carbon rod.

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