Wednesday, August 04, 2004

At Times Like This, We Miss Milli Vanilli

I love the fact that some of the most passionate Bush-haters are actors and rock musicians. Many of these people are truly gifted artists. I actually have no problem with these folks attempting to use their talents to promote ideas they believe in. But as recently demonstrated by Sean Hannity's dismantling of Janeane Garofalo, the artists in question can't usually back up their views with intelligent reasoning.

Now, we're on to musicians, a number of whom have rallied behind the banner of America Coming Together, one of the many left-wing organizations whose general guiding philosophy seems to be that "Bush is Bad." Since these particular musicians agree with the statement, they've decided to hold several benefit concerts trying to register voters who agree with them.

Now I could care less what these folks have to say on political issues. For one thing, I'm an intelligent adult capable of making my own decisions (as long as Dick Cheney has finished programming the right-wing conspiracy's agenda into my brain, of course). For another, if I need help figuring out whom to vote for, I'm not going to consult Eddie Vedder for advice, no matter how much I like Pearl Jam's music. Personally, I think he should be consulting me for advice on political matters, seeing as how I've graduated college and law school (and I'm giving Eddie credit for graduating high school, although that may not be true).

But apparently Eddie and his bandmates, along with Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and some other folks, think that if they play several concerts in battleground states, they might rally votes to the cause of defeating the evil demon known as Bush (we assume they want people to vote for Kerry, although this seems somewhat unclear, since most of ACT's propaganda simply disses Bush and fails to even mention the King of Condiments). Fine and good -- that's their right. What's funny is the message board set up following the announcement. The vast majority of the posts seem to reflect anger from folks who are swearing never to buy records from these artists again, and slamming these simpletons for their idiocy. I only kept track through #160, but my favorite post is #84:


If you want to impress me; wake up at 6am, spend an hour in the car, work
for the next 9-10 hours, get back in the car for the hour commute home (at
15mph). Repeat this 5 days a week for the next 30 years and you got my
full attention.

Here’s some free advice that you won’t get from your publicists, lawyers,
advisers, etc.;
“We don’t care!”

Nobody respects a selfstyled expert. Get a friggin college degree in
political science if your going to use your soapbox for politics. It’s
something us grown-ups refer to as “credibility”. In short, you don’t have
any. However, If I want to find a good night club or cocaine dealer,
you’ve again got my attention.

Honestly, we’re sick of your unaccountability. Everyday you jerks
should look yourselves in the mirror and count your blessings.

I don't agree with all the sentiments here (what am I, other than a self-styled expert?), but they're pretty much dead-on why the Left fails to understand that star power doesn't help them win over undecided voters. These folks, by and large, think celebrity gives them some special insight on political issues, when in fact they know nothing more than your average Joe, and in many cases even less. And maybe this is why all those Dems had trouble with butterfly ballots in 2000; heck, anyone stupid enough to think they should listen to Stone Gossard's opinion in deciding whom to vote for probably can't find the polling place.


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