Monday, August 02, 2004

The Wedding Update

by the world's least dangerous man

This update is brought to you by the Hershey Hotel, since that seems appropriate for the obvious reasons.

362 days to go...

The long-awaited meeting of the families produced no real fireworks; in fact, everyone had a great time. Of course, the same thing happened in The Godfather -- the meeting ended in peace, with everyone agreeing to go on their merry way until Michael settled all family business at the end. For the record, I am still trying to figure who will set up the meeting where I will be assassinated, so I don't trust any of you.

Jokes aside, great day for everyone to get together, and Alli's parents did a wonderful job hosting the festivities, with a ton of good food. My parents got a full tour of the hotel that they thoroughly enjoyed, and they got to meet a good portion of Alli's family. We even had the requisite "All Indians Know One Another Moment." Alli's brother-in-law Suneel has an uncle who was once the roommate of my uncle. Surprisingly, I believe both are engineers. Shocking, I know.

We also began the discussion of several key issues related to the wedding that evening, after everyone had left. No real revelations here, although I enjoyed it when my future mother-in-law checked to see if I was "spacing out." Not yet, but give me time.

The only other enjoyable moment came when one member of the family (who shall remain unnamed) noted that she heard I was supporting W for President. My response involved noting that I actually contribute to the campaign. I think I heard someone else whisper in response, "Well, I guess no one's perfect."


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