Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The John Kerry Post of the Day

My latest discovery about my favorite cheese-eating surrendermonkey-looking Ketchup King cum Presidential candidate:

You know, it's hard work keeping track of Kerry's flip-flopping. Especially when he says stuff like this:

The candidates' fitness to be commander in chief erupted again even as Kerry headed to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to tell voters he could produce better, higher-paying jobs from the White House than President Bush has and improve the lives of the middle class.

"The truth, which is what elections are all about, is that the tax burden of the middle class has gone up while the tax burden of the middle class has gone down," he said.

Maybe this has something to do with John Edwards' Two Americas -- there are two middle classes as well? Okay, so he probably misspoke. But if Bush said this, do you think the media would be all over it?

Note: A hat-tip to James Taranto's Best of the Web, which dug up the quote.



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