Monday, August 23, 2004

The Swift Boat Saga, Part X: K-Mac Weighs In

As promised, I'm letting others weigh in. K-Mac, one of the bravest Yankee fans on the planet, weighs in from John Kerry's home state (please note that this should be viewed as a response to Johnny Goblin's post)...

Thanks John. My sentiments exactly, but don't forget they did the same thing to one of their own (McCain) in 2000: Imagine questioning THAT guy.

But in all fairness, here's the record:

Bush serve in the Air National Alabama.

Cheney received numerous deferments because he had "more important things to do." Though he has no problem paying soldiers less money to protect his former employees at Halliburton who are making a killing as contractors (granted it is a dangerous job).

Ashcroft received numerous deferments (I believe somewhere in the neighborhood of 5?).

Anyone who thinks Kerry went to Vietnam to further his eventual political career is a complete and utter idiot in my humble opinion. And if he's overplaying his veteran status a bit too much now, I wonder if it's because every time he turns around the Bush camp attacks him as being unfit to run the war on terror? After all, they've done a real bang up job so far. We have people who want to kill us now who didn't even give a crap that we existed before...but don't worry because we'll know well ahead of time with a great alert system in place based on "credible information" and "increased chatter."



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