Monday, June 13, 2005

Dr. Demento Continues Unabated

Please, please, don't fire him. For the love of God, the Dems have found someone who's going to end up being worse than Terry McAulliffe. Here's Screaming Howard's greatest hits from last week...

The latest flap came Monday when Dean said of the Republican Party, "It's pretty much a white, Christian party." The comment drew fire from Dean's GOP opponents, but it also rankled Democrats, who have been nervous ever since the outspoken former Vermont governor and presidential candidate won the DNC post.

Although many admire Dean's fundraising and party-building skills, they worry about his penchant for red-hot rhetoric. Last week, Dean said of Republicans, "A lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives." Earlier he suggested that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (Tex.), now under an ethics cloud, ought to return to Houston to serve jail time.

But the "Christian party" comment has the potential of repelling millions of voters, and it had many Democrats running for cover. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) told reporters yesterday, "I don't think the statement [Dean] made was a helpful statement," and she attributed it to "the exuberance" of being in the job.

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.), one of Dean's opponents in the 2004 Democratic presidential primaries, said the comment was "way over the top" and said he will ask Dean to explain himself during a previously scheduled meeting with Senate Democrats today. "I'm sure I won't be the only one," Lieberman said.
Man, I guess I'm not a Republican. I'm not white, I work really hard (although being a lawyer may not constitute an honest living... but Dean probably didn't mean it that way, since his party is a subsidiary of the trial lawyers anyway) and I'm not even Christian. I hope this doesn't make me a Democrat -- I've always considered myself too intelligent for that.

Apparently Dick Cheney, unaware of Karl Rove's advice that Dean be allowed to dive off the deep end unhindered, opted to rebuke Dean last week, during an interview on Fox News. Dean responded...

"My view is FOX News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and I don't comment on FOX News," Dean said. That was in response to vice president Dick Cheney calling Howard Dean "over the top" on Fox News on Sunday.
Now I'm confused. If Fox News is Republican propaganda, does that mean only Republicans appear on Fox? If so, how does Dean explain his appearance on Fox News on numerous occasions, including this interview in February 2004. Wait a second...

Dean is white...

Dean is Christian...

Dean's been a politician for years, so I'm not sure he's actually earned an honest living...

Wow! Howard Dean must be a Republican!!!!

Man, that Karl Rove is a genius. First he tricked everyone into believing Dean is a Democrat, and almost won him the Democratic nomination for President. Now he got him elected chairman of the DNC. A Republican in charge of the DNC, sabotaging the Democrats from within. Perfect.

Actually, Dean may be doing too good a job sabotaging his party. Rove better adjust Howard's meds, or everyone will figure out this evil plan.


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