Monday, August 08, 2005

The End of an Era

This weekend's passing of Peter Jennings truly marks the end of an era. With it, the "Big 3" TV news anchors of our youth and early adulthood have now all signed off, in one way or another. Jennings was always my anchor of choice, partly due to his style, and partly due to what I felt was his enormous respect for the viewers. He didn't get gimmicky like NBC tended to do, nor did he try and push the story in a certain direction a la Rathergate. He left all that silliness to the dopes on 20/20. Peter simply went up there each night and filled us in, one elite intellectual Canadian to another. Peter, we'll miss you, even in this age of instant news and web logs.

More on this later as I find tributes and tidbits around the Blogosphere.


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