Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Miracle in Toronto

As more details continue to emerge in the miraculous survival of all passengers in the Toronto Air France crash, we must take the opportunity to point out how imperiously French the French government and press continue to be. French newspapers are of course claiming that it is due to the amazing construction of the (partly French government-owned) Airbus A340 jet.

Neglecting, of course, to wonder about the logic of the Air France controllers telling the pilots to land in what everyone knew were dangerous conditions. Neglecting to mention the rigorous safety standards required by the FAA in recent years that have saved many lives but that the French complain about as they try to launch their new super-jumbo Airbus A380. Remember - that plane can carry more than 850 passengers and is almost 40 feet high at the upper doors - imagine what evacuating that aircraft would be like in a fire.

Bottom line: It's a tribute to the flight crew of this aircraft that all of the passengers were able to escape. To them, I take my beret off.

At least on this occasion, the French skill of running away ends up saving lives.


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