Friday, September 09, 2005

Those Wacky College Kids

Wojr sends us this story, which makes me feel even older than my hairline makes me look...

In the coming weeks, millions of students will be entering college for the first time. On average, these members of the Class of 2009 will be 18 years old, which means they were born in 1987. Starbucks, souped-up car stereos, telephone voicemail systems, and Bill Gates have always been a part of their lives.

Each August, as students start to arrive, Beloit College releases the Beloit College Mindset List, which offers a world view of today's entering college students. It is the creation of Beloit’s Keefer Professor of the Humanities Tom McBride and Director of Public Affairs Ron Nief.

...The list is distributed to faculty on campus during the New Students Days orientation. According to McBride, “It is an important reminder, as faculty start to show signs of ‘hardening of the references,’ that we think about the touchstones and benchmarks of a generation that has grown up with CNN, home computers, AIDS awareness, digital cameras and the Bush political dynasty. We should also keep in mind that these students missed out on the pleasures of being tossed in the back of a station wagon with a bunch of friends and told to keep the noise down, walking in the woods without fearing Lyme Disease, or setting out to try all of the 28 ice cream flavors at Howard Johnson’s.”
Well, some things constitute progress. These kids have never lived through a Jimmy Carter Presidency, disco, the 1986 Mets or Merv Griffin.

Meanwhile, we should note that Wojr has now linked to yours truly on his journal page. I'm afraid of what might happen to the poor souls there who click on this link by mistake -- they may never forgive him.


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