Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I'm Revoking My Proxy, Too

I'm with this movement...

On "Meet the Press" this past Sunday, NBC reporter David Gregory, after making a half-hearted apology for his poor conduct in arguing with the White House Press Secretary about the Cheney hunting accident, stated that the White House press corps is "a proxy for the American people." After exhibiting his rude behavior, poor analysis and lack of professionalism, Mr. Gregory then displays his arrogance and pomposity by taking on the role of "proxy for the American people." After seeing Mr. Gregory in all his glory, I hereby revoke my proxy and will give it someone who can better represent my interests.
(hat tip: Rand Simberg and Instapundit)I have no doubt the White House handled the Cheney hunting shooting incident poorly in terms of communicating with the press. With that being said, it's still not that important a story (although I think the educational value of painting Aaron Burr as a sub-human bastard was clearly missed) and the hissy fit thrown by the White House press corps was beyond idiotic. And they wonder why most Americans have a lower opinion of reporters than of other professions.

This incident demonstrated that Cheney was careless while hunting. It also demonstrated that the press willingly allow biases to impact their work, they're not professional in the least and they get offended by the idea that their work isn't spoonfed to them. I wonder who ends up looking worse.


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